Objekte mit diesem Verwalterort
- Peace and gratitude, Wing P3182 (korrekte Signatur nachfragen)
- The great duty of thankfulness, A.154 (18)
- Peace upon earth, the gift of God; and good-will to one another, the duty of men, G.Pamph.2235(16)
- Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, G.Pamph.989(4)
- A sermon preach'd in the Parish-Church of Cirencester, on Tuesday July the 7th 1713, being the thanksgiving-day for the peace, Antiq.e.E.30(6)
- A sermon preach'd at Christ-Church, Dublin, before Their Excellences the Lords Justices of Ireland, MIJ[17]
- The triumph of Israelites over Moabites, or Protestants over Papists. A sermon preached at Great Totham in Essex, on May 5, 1763. being the day of publick thanksgiving for the peace, G.Pamph.1012(21)
- Thanksgiving and prayer for those in authority, Vet.A5e.5847
- Eirenopolis: the citie of peace, 8° R 78(2) Th.